A permanent lantern installation at the QT Hotels Gowings Restaurant in Sydney. A contemporary reworking of Classic Masters floral still lives, collided with hand applied gold leaf, graffiti and photo montage.
The commission involved working the QT design team to create a series of gorgeous original textile designs for an overhead lantern installation in their Gowings Restaurant. These textile designs were also used in soft furnishing and wardrobe accessories.
Creative Leads: Matthew Aberline and
Maurice Goldberg, commissioned by interior designer Nic Graham
Manufactured by: The Beautiful and Useful Studio
Originally, Gowings was an 1800s drapery and millinery department store. The artwork draws its inspiration form flowing skirt forms, a series of suspended crinolines.
Textile art printed on recycled PET polyester. Manufactured using 100% renewable electricity (Solar). All polyester waste re-recycled onshore by Sealy.
Restaging Opportunities:
There is opportunity to redevelop this work using, and expanding upon the existing construction techniques.
The Beautiful and Useful Studio
Unit 2 / 414 Botany Rd, Beaconsfield NSW 2015